Project 3


  /// Name: Josh Bautista
/// Period: 6
/// Date Finished: 9/22/2015

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class PBJ
    public static void main( String[] args )
    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
    Random r = new Random();
    int d1 = 1 + r.nextInt(11);
    int d2 = 1 + r.nextInt(11);
    int d3 = 1 + r.nextInt(11);
    int d4 = 1 + r.nextInt(11);
    int d5 = 1 + r.nextInt(11);
        String hs;
    System.out.println(" Welcome to BlackJack! ");
        System.out.println(" You drew " + d1 + " and " + d2 + ".");
        int total = d1 + d2;
        System.out.println(" Your total is " + total + "." );
        System.out.println(" The dealer has " + d3 + " and a hidden card.");
        int total2 = d3 + d4;
        System.out.println(" The dealer's totals is hidden.");  
        System.out.println(" Would you like to 'hit or 'stay' ?");
        hs =;
        while (hs.equals("hit"))
                System.out.println(" You drew a "+ d5 + "."); 
                int totalP = total + d5;
                System.out.println(" Your total is now " + totalP + ".");
                System.out.println(" Would you like to 'hit or 'stay' ?");
                hs =;


Picture of the output

Project 3